Sunday, August 26, 2012

vacation day 9....

Saturday is moving day.  The pool does not open till 10:00 - which is check out time, so no swimming for my little fish.

Randy made breakfast and I packed up our stuff.  After we loaded everything into the car we headed to the Kid Zone for the boys to do some rides.  Seeing the smiles on their faces was worth every penny.  We were on the road by 11 and making great time till we got almost down the mountain, than we ran into this:

Nothing spells fun like sitting at a dead stop, in the middle of nowhere, with two kids and two adults that have to use the restroom and it looks like we will not be moving for some time.  After 1.5 hours of visiting with our neighbors we finally, finally were moving!

Once we got to Vancouver, we hit the Sea Wall and walked to the aquarium.  One Lemon Drop and a building full of fish is a good way to calm down.

After a 4 mile walk it was time for more swimming.  My boys are part fish!

For dinner we headed up a few blocks to Nook, a local pizza/italian restaurant that the hotel recommend.  The place was tiny and we had to wait over 30 mins to get a seat.  The boys did great playing cards while sitting on the side of the street.  Let me tell you the food was well worth the wait.  We scarfed down two pizzas and cokes.  Not a bad way to end the day.  Just wished I could have gotten a better night sleep.  Between Carson giving me NO space in the bed and the party goers below our window, I was ready to come on!

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