Sunday, August 26, 2012

vacation day 10....

Today was the day we come home!!!!!

Nothing is sweater than heading to your own space.  But first, more swimming for Griffin while C and I cuddled in bed.

One fabulous breakfast, a short walk along the Sea Wall and more swimming and it was time to head home.   Can you feel the excitement in my voice????

On a side note, I love things that come in small sizes.

We were so close to getting home and than ran into a HUGE line up at the boarder.  Yet another hour plus wait and kids who have to go to the bathroom.  Why is it that anytime we are in a confined space with no where to go, the kids bladder fill up with in an instant?

Got home, the kids headed to Grandpas to burn energy off, Randy and I unpacked the bags and did the laundry.  Than it was time to get into the shower, deep condition my hair and wash the travel "dirt" off of me.  Headed to the gym for a quick run and started my "to do" list for the week.

Now it's time to crawl into my bed, something that I have been wanting to do for some time.

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