Monday, July 30, 2012

i just earned the "worst mother of the year award"....

Tonight we start swim lessons.  Carson has been doing them for two years.  He is now freaking out about going.

He is ripping my heart out.

Right now, he is curled up on the floor in a fetal position, crying, telling me how scared he is.

He has my heart in is hands and is squeezing it.

Ugh, it hurts to be a mom sometimes.  He has to get over his fear at some point.  I know he will be safe.  I will be right there.  But no matter what I say, he does not believe me.  He even resorted to telling me his legs hurt when he walks and when he is in water.  Talk about a guilt trip.

Wish me luck; if you hear a small child begging for help at 5:15; that will be my Carsie.


Jen said...

How did it go?

rebecca said...

Well, he cried from 3:30 - 5:15, had a break down when I tried to take off his shirt, but as soon as he was in the water, he was good. He even gave me a wave while in the pool and a smile when he was done.

Jen said...

Lil stinker ;)

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