Monday, July 30, 2012

it gathers dust...

My camera has been gathering dust for about a month now.

Today was the 1st day, since I decided  to stop taking photos, that I had a pang of jealousy (no worries to my dear friends, I will still take your pictures if/when you want me).

I know it was the right choice to walk away; family time has taken a great hold on me than the desire to create.

Back to my pang and how it started:  I stumbled across this photographers web site and as I scrolled past each image, I began to wish I was still capturing life for others.

Not sure if it was her photos, her editing or just the fact it's been a while since I have looked at pictures; but something really moved in me.  Gave me hope that maybe, just maybe, I will pick up my camera down the road (way down the road).

For now, I have to be ok with the choice that I made.  I have to remember the reasons I took this new path. I have to be satisfied with where I am right now.  I may wish and dream that I was creating images that make me drool or squeal in delight. I may also type a few more "jealous" posts down the road.  Because, right now I am just trying to adjust to a life without my camera in hand.

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