Thursday, March 29, 2012

welcome to spring...

Man, it's a soggy one out today.

I had to run into the grocery story to pick up 3 items, and by the time I got back to my car, I looked like a drowned rat.

Its the kind of day where you just want to be at home, curled up by the fire with a good book and your pj's on.    I wish I could do that, but I  need to get some edits done.  Thursday afternoons are a little piece of heaven for me.  The kids are gone, I have the house to myself, and a few hours of alone time to edit like crazy.

Right now I am snuggled up in a chair with a blanket around me, I have a candle burning, Ugly Betty playing in the background and the list of photos I want to work on.  Rainy days make it easy to work inside.  Warm, sunny days make me feel like I am missing out.  

Must remember, April showers, bring May flowers (and weeding, mowing the lawn, yard work ~ not fun).

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