Friday, December 16, 2011


My first free and alone Friday in a long, long time.  Since nothing is open yet to start some shopping, I am hanging out at Starbucks, enjoying my hot chocolate, some loud Christmas music and 3 free hours.  

Lets see how far I get on a photo book I just started.

Since I don't edits I am unsure of what I should do with my time.  Photography has taken up more of my life that I realized.  I am having a hard time adjusting to this "down time".  I feel a bit off.  Hope this feeling passes soon.

This afternoon is jam packed with baking and cleaning.  So I better enjoy the time I have right now.


Jen said...

I felt the same pressure this morning. Enjoy my free time bc it's my last for a while so what should I do??? Did a lil crafting and had new nail polish applied for 5 bucks! Almost cheaper than a Starbucks!

Jen said...

I felt the same pressure this morning. Enjoy my free time bc it's my last for a while so what should I do??? Did a lil crafting and had new nail polish applied for 5 bucks! Almost cheaper than a Starbucks!

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