Monday, December 19, 2011

what does one eat....

What does one eat for dinner after a full day of work and than a few hours of shopping with two active boys in tow?  Cookies!!!!!  And not just any cookies, but the best cherry cheese cake cookies I have ever had.

I have a pretty strong rule not to eat fruit in my food.  I have never liked the taste of it unless it's fesh strawberries on top of brownies.

Last  night I went to a cookie exchange with my book club buddies.  One of my dear friends made these heavily creations.  She put a lot of work in, and even though my first reaction was "i think i will skip them" I caved and had half of one, and than another, and almost went for a 3rd.

Oh lord.  They are perfection.  Not a bad way to end a long day; my feet up, a cup of tea in my hand a mouthful of cookies and my computer.  Life is oh so sweet.

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