Saturday, December 10, 2011

for me, this is HUGE....

Today I ran my first 5k without stopping!!!!!

I never, ever, ever thought that I could or would do this.  When I was younger I was in track, but only was a sprinter, never a long distance runner.  I wonder what I could have achieved if I would have pushed myself at a young age. Others may not think running 3.1 miles is a thing to brag about, but for me, this is HUGE.  I overcame that little voice in my head that said "no way, just stop now".  I hope she has left for good.

I am happy to say that I can push myself at my old age and great things can come from it.  I trained with some of the best ladies I know.  We motivated each other, celebrated each small step along the way and listened to each others fears. I could have never done this race without them ~ thank you ladies.

The day before the race, Jen, Mary and I did a little pre-race getting ready.  We had our nails painted; I think the red made us move faster.

After everyone crossed the finish line and we did our little "we finished and we are cool" dances we headed to get some food.  Yummy breakfast at Little Cheerful.

And if the finishing the race was not enough, i received the icing on the cake when I came home from the store this evening.  Randy had put up Christmas lights on the back deck.  This has made me happier than anything that i have ever received (dramatic I know).  It warmed my heart that he remember that i wanted this done and that he did it as a surprise.  I can't wait to get these babies on a timer so i can enjoy them all year long and not have to go out in the cold to turn them off.


Stefanie said...

You are awesome! Proud of you!

Mary said...

Feels great, doesn't it??

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