Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 was....

A pretty good year.

It had it's very low moments as well; a time that taught me that I am not invincible, that life will change and bad things can happen.  It taught me that I need to live in the present; be thankful for now and not wish for tomorrow.

It was a year that made me fall more in love with my two boys.  Each year they teach me another part of mommy hood that I did not know about.  I love hanging with these two little guys; having conversations about the day and/or their dreams.  Playing games, coloring or snuggling brings me so much happiness.  I also fell more in love with my hubby.  Just when I think I can not love him more, he does something that shows me how much I mean to him and that makes my heart grow.  I wake up everyday thankful for what I have.

A few of my favorite pictures from this year:

I would not what to navigate through this life without these three boys; they make my life worth living. The good or the bad, I know they have my back no matter what happens.  xoxoxo my loves!

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