Sunday, November 18, 2012

weekend recap....

Had a great weekend; had to be better than last weekend (C got sick).

Started off on Friday with a solo run and a mini photo shoot.  Friday night, my big boy G and I watched a mini marathon of Twilight (the first 2 movies).  Super fun to have someone in the house that will watch them with me.  Hope to watch the final 2 this coming up weekend.

Saturday was trying to find my boys pants and new shoes.  Shorts have now been banned in the Brethauer household.  C has been way to sick the past 6 weeks.  Randy and I feel better if we know our kids are dressing warmer.  Lunch with the boys and than it was off to the grocery store.  

We had Randy's family over to celebrate Grandma M's b'day. Hot apple pie and three kinds of ice cream made the party perfect.  C decided he wants to be famous, so he went around and autographed anything made out of paper in the pantry.  That boy cracks me up, and gives me grey hairs - I found a few this morning; still several weeks out till I can color.

Sunday was mini date day.  Had the house pretty much to myself for the afternoon.  Finished a photo book and a friend surprised me with a present - nothing is better than seeing one on your best girls on your door step; bonus was the cute little package in her hand.  

Crock pot is full of dinner, lunches are packed; not much to do tonight but sit back, read a little and watch Amazing Race.  Looking forward to a short week and spending sometime with family.

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