Friday, October 12, 2012

pumpkin patch time....

I am playing catch up today.  I have some time to finally download months worth of pictures off my camera's; feels good to be doing something with them (scrapbooking and posting).  Hope to get a few posted in the next few days.  Working my way backwards; going outside the box.

Last weekend the weather was amazing.  The PNW is having one amazing fall (at least we were till today; the rain is back).  Randy was gone and there was no way I was going to miss out on this great weather so after soccer, I packed the kids up and met my dear friend Kara and her two beautiful daughters out at Stoney Ridge.  We have been going to the patch for 9 years; hope to keep dragging the kids there every year till they go off to college.

I have to take their pictures next to "how tall this fall"; gotta love the little one's face.

 These two love to chase each other; they were having fun running up and down the Xmas tree rows.

 A MUST stop; didn't get the donuts this stop (but I did on my next trip)
 Missing Randy in this one; but no worries, I will drag  him to another place for a family pictures.  Thanks Kara for taking this one.
 OMG!!!!  Look at his face.
 Oh my, how can my little man be getting so big.  Rule #1, you must carry our own pumpkin out of the patch.  Plus I was running out of cash, they could only pick small ones this day.
We had to rip the pumpkins off the vines.  Next time I will bring gloves.  Man, those vines have sharp little spikes on them.

The patch is so much better to do in the sun than in the rain.  Another great family outing.

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