Saturday, September 15, 2012

I deserve something harder...

But settled for root beer to celebrate with my ladies and the amazing day we had.

Today I ran the Traverse Run with 4 other friends. It was an intense, challenging course. So proud we finished in 4.5 hours. Not so proud of my performance. The good points were I finished without having to call a cab and I finished in an hour.

The bad points were I hit several walls during my leg. These walls made it more of a challenge for me and left me in tears after I crossed the finish line.

I will do this race next year. I will be curious to see how my body and my endurance will change as I train for the hills. Excited to see if I can break through the walls. Happy that I have a few months that I don't have to think about it.

My body is sore but my heart is happy. Off to bed; I am ready to melt into my mattress.

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