Tuesday, August 28, 2012

vacation day 12...

We shopped till we dropped today.  Back to school items are purchased and ready to go.

It was a very long day.  Over 7 hours of shopping bliss.  My youngest may be picky with shoes, but it's my oldest that is picky with clothes.  I have no idea where that came from.  I thought having a girl would be the only way I would be getting grief regarding what to wear, man I was wrong.  So thankful my mom was able to help me out today.  She may have fed my kids sugar, but she kept me sane.

Had to have a drink mid shopping; thank goodness for The Olive Garden in Burlington, they make one great Skinny Strawberry Lemon Drop - yum.  Shopping is much better when I have a buzz.   Not sure if it was a little sad that I needed a little pick me up mid way through.  Whatever I needed to get through the day.

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