Sunday, July 22, 2012

leavenworth 2012...

Last weekend my crew and I headed over the pass for some relaxing family time.

This family loves Leavenworth.  We try to make it over there at least once a year.  We skipped last year for some reason so we had some catching up to do.

The weather was perfect, our room was amazing and we each picked up some pretty fun souvenirs.

Best part was watching the boys enjoy hours of pool time.  It was hard to leave to come home.  Something about getting away with my three guys and escaping reality really makes my soul happy.

I am one lucky girl.

 Yes I know my E is backwards.  Thats what you get when you don't know how to flip in the edit program.
 Carson got in the pool!!!!  This is HUGE.

 Griffin'a turn.

We were lucky, Friday and Saturday when we hit the pool we were the only ones there for most of the time.  This really made it easy for Carson to get comfy in the water and start to jump in.  And it allowed Griffin the chance to show off some fun jumping moves.

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