Sunday, June 3, 2012

weekend roundup...

This weekend was full of fun stuff.

Friday was Carson's last day of school.  A bit sad for me, pretty exciting for him.  It's a tradition in our house to take the kids out on the 1st and last day of school.  They get to pick the place they want to go; Carson's choice DQ.  Really, he can pick anyplace to eat and he picks fast food.   I will do what makes my boy happy.

On the way to dinner I go to pick up my jeep (had to get the heater replaced).  As I pull out of the dealership I notice my steering wheel feels a bit off.  As I am driving, I notice a few other flaws to my car; the most noticeable one was the large black marks all over my headliner.  This made me a very, very unhappy person.  I turned my car around and took it back.  I surprised myself with my ability to hold my anger in as I explained to the guy there was no way I would accept my car in the condition it was in.  

Saturday I was up early, packing a bag full of food and drinks and headed out to the soccer tournament in the rain.  The first two games were very wet but us grown ups had fun trying to warm up in the tent between games.  As soon as the taco truck pulled into the parking lot, the sun started to emerge and the afternoon turned out to be very nice.  The Cleats of Furry won for the second year in a row.

Sunday Randy and I slept in till 9:00 am.  It was the best feeling.  A lazy morning with pancakes and giggles is a great way to start the day. 

Now it's almost time to tuck the little ones into bed and head off to dream land myself.  I am hoping the week to come will bring me more energy and dedication to hit the gym.  The past few weeks I have done little running and I can tell by the way my clothes are fitting that my diet has been poor as well.  It's amazing how just a few extra pounds changes my body and self image.  

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm ready to dedicate June to healthy eating and more fitness. Let's do it together!!

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