Wednesday, June 6, 2012

i am going to live....

It's official, there is nothing life threatening wrong with me.

I guess I better back up and explain.

A little over two weeks ago, I woke up with a very strange numb feeling in my right calf.  As the day progressed, the feeling had taken over my whole right leg.  The next day, the rest of my right side was tingling and hot to the touch.

My symptoms progressed to numbness, tingling, hot/cold feelings that intensified each day.  I went to my family doctor on Wednesday, who scheduled me for a MRI - A brain scan.  The moment I heard those words, tears began to fill my eyes. What was wrong with me???  I kept thinking the worst and hated the thought that my kids may be motherless soon.    My MRI was not for another 10 days, how the heck was I going to get through that time?  Very dramatic I know.

As the days passed, the feeling became more intense.  I dreaded each morning when I had to get out of bed.  By Monday, I could not take another day of this and I headed to the ER.   After the doctor examined me, I was taken for an MRI.  The outcome - my brain was fine; my symptoms were not caused by some malefaction, blood clot or stroke in my brain.  When the doctor told us that, both Randy and I could breathe a huge sigh of relief.

Yesterday I went to see a Neurologist.  After running some test, and looking at my MRI images, she also concluded that my brain is fine.  My next step is going for another MRI, this time on my neck/spin, and  some sort of electrical shock test on my nerves (that sounds pleasant).  Fingers crossed one of these tests can figure out what is going on in my body.  I hope there is a fix and I can get off the medication I have to take.  On the plus side, the medication has helped my feel 100 times better than I was last week.

I am counting my blessings.  My life is not over.  My kids get to put up with me for another day.  And I know what my brain looks like (a little creepy looking at those pictures).

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