Thursday, June 7, 2012

thursday ramblings....

Finally, after two very long weeks, I had a great run.  The kind where I had a smile of my face during and a happy, calm feeling afterwards.  My music selection got my feet moving and watching the Mariners' game gave me inspiration. Not sure how the game ended, but they were doing well when I was on the go.

The boys had a great dental check up today.  Carson was adorable while getting his x-rays.  He asked the lady if he could breath while he was getting his films taken.  When Dr. F came out to talk to me, he was impressed by C.  C's life long dream at this moment, is to grow up to be a comedian; Dr. F agrees with him.  He is counting down the days till he see's C on America's Got Talent.

Griffin has a few teeth that are coming in a bit crooked.  We get to go visit the orthodontist next week.  How can I prepare myself for this?  I am not ready for braces; hoping the doctor will recommend a retainer and than braces in a few years; baby steps.  Yep, I  am a mom in denial; my kids can not be growing up.

Today I finally was able to bring my baby home.  My jeep is nice and dry in the garage tonight.  Once I got her home, I had clean the inside.  I am not happy with the amount of "dirt" that place got in my car.  Even the buttons on my key were black.  My fingers are crossed that they will call me with a customer survey (they have always called me in the past, but I always hung up on them; yep I am a b*&!@), if they do, I will give them an ear full for sure.

Best part of tomorrow, I get to sleep in!!!!!  I can come right home after I take G to school.  No rushing around.  No trying to get two kids up, dressed and out the door for school.  I tell you, its the little things in life that make me happy.

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