Friday, May 4, 2012


Picking C up from school today, I heard some sad news in the music world; Adam Yauch, from the Beastie Boys, passed away at the age of 47 ~ so young.  Made me think if my life were to end today, what would I be thankful for.

Some of those things would be:

Two amazing sons
One equally amazing husband
My close circle of friends
So far a pretty wonderful life
Parents and two brothers that I love very, very much
The ability to make most of my dreams come true
Passion in all areas of my life

I will make it a point to hug my family tight today; don't forget to do the same.  Life may not be the way we want it or thought it would be, but it's the only one you have.  Change the areas you want to change, embrace the good parts of it.  Life it way to short to wait for tomorrow to make it better.


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