Saturday, May 5, 2012


Life is a little sweeter when you have girlfriends to share it with.

I may not have one super close friend to share all of lives ups and downs.  I may not have that one go to friend that I call everyday to gossip.  I may not have a friend who I share vacations and holiday's with.  At times, this makes me a little sad; makes me wonder if I am missing out.  When I find myself dwelling on this, I try to remember what I have.

I have an amazing set of friends.  Ones that I know would be there for me if I needed their support.  Ones that would help me celebrate a milestone in my life.  I have many that I would love to spend a night hanging out with, a day shopping with; ones to share adventures or just discuss the normal day to day things that make up life.

I count my blessings each and every day for the girlfriends that I have in my life.  I feel blessed that they want to hang with me.  Tonight I had some great "girlfriend" time.  It was spur of the moment and one of the best evenings I have had in a long time.  My face still hurts from smiling so much.  Thanks S & S for making this day that much sweeter ~ the cake pop and hot chocolate were just the icing on the cake.


Stefanie said...

Thank YOU! Dinner was yummy and it was fun having you see our layouts.

sara said...

You are loved!!! =) Thanks for the fun time & thanks for my fun treats! see you soon!

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