Sunday, May 13, 2012

one of the best days of my life...

I can honestly say this was one of the best days of my life.  

Started with being able to sleep in (at least 6:30 is sleeping in at our home).  Received homemade presents in bed than I stood in the living room with my eyes closed as Griffin opened up the blinds to reveal a hammock.  I have been wanting one for a long time; my wish was finally granted.

I squealed with delight and jumped up and down, giving kisses to all three of my men.

Next on the list was a very yummy breakfast made by hubby.  

The weather was perfect for a trip out to Semiahmoo to play in the sand.  Nothing makes me happier than having my toes in the warm sand, looking out at the water and playing with the boys.  As Randy and I sat there, I could feel the stress melting away from both of us.  At one point Randy turned to me and said "this is as relaxing as Hawaii",  I have to totally agree.

Lunch was frozen yogurt.  Sitting in the sun, eating red velvet, cheesecake and chocolate flavored yogurt topped with cheesecake and brownie bits, and a thin layer of hot fudge was worth every calorie I was spooning into my mouth.

The afternoon ended with C and I snuggling in the hammock reading and laughing while Randy took G to the soccer game at Civic Field.  

I ended the evening with a short run while G rode his bike.  

My heart is happy.  My soul is happy.  I am truly happy at this very moment.

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