Thursday, April 12, 2012

sweet dreams with glitter dust...

The lights are out; my house is quite.  I am sitting herein my bed in the dark surfing the web while my two little ones are sound asleep.  Tonight is "camp out" night.  What does that mean, well, it means mommy sets up sleeping bags on top of blankets next to her bed so the little ones can "camp" out in the parents bedroom.

Sometimes is comforting to have your children so close.  To listen to their little sleeps sounds as you drift off to sleep as well. It's nice to know they want to spend time with me; very, very soon that will not be the case.  Gotta fill the "mommy time" bank now while I can.

Random thoughts going through my head while i sit here in a very dark room:

My nails have never been the same since getting a manicure months ago.  They split all the time and I can't seem to grow them out; wonder if anyone else has had this problem.

I am missing my friends.  It's been a very long time since I have hung out with some of my ladies.  Hoping it's just crazy life that has gotten in the way and not something else.

So looking forward to some get-a-way time this weekend with my running pals.  Our big 10K is on Sunday; can't wait to see what my body/mind will do.

I think my hair has stopped growing.  I was looking at pictures that were taken about a year and half ago, hair is pretty much the same length.  Very discouraging.

Carson has his 5 year check up tomorrow afternoon; yep, i am a few months late.

Got an awesome run in tonight.  Some days I feel like my feet are made out of lead; I just can't seem to get into the groove; takes about 2 miles before everything falls into place.  Tonight was one of those rare nights that as soon as i started, it felt right.  I hated to stop but mommy duties were about to start.

Guess i better let the glitter dust work; i am off to dream land; hope it's a good one tonight.

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