Sunday, April 1, 2012

happy day...

It's a happy day for two reasons:

1.  I found these yummy beach towels (bright colors and polk-a-dots make me one happy girl), now i just have to find some sunshine.

2.  My friend Tracy has landed in Seattle; I am counting down the hours till I get to see her; super, duper excited right now.

Weekend was great; relaxing with my little guy; egg hunt with amazing friends, dinner and drinks with two of the best ladies I know (S&S you make me happy); in the middle of a Pintrest project and thinking of my next layout.

The past few weeks I have slowed down a bit and reflected on what I hold important in my life.  Doing less photography has given me the opportunity to spend more time with my family and appreciate my little business more.  I look forward to less sessions, but more satisfaction from them.  

I want to use this time away from taking pictures to re-connect with friends.  I am lucky to have several great ladies in my life, I just need to make a deeper connection with them.  I have also started to think about projects that I want to complete around the house.  The list is huge, but I will tackle one item at a time and appreciate what I can get done and not dwell on what I still need to do.  The home will always be a work in progress; enjoying the little things will make me love my home again.

And on a side note I think I am raising my son's right.  I hold the responsibility of having boys very close to my heart.  I need to raise gentlemen who will love and appreciate women.  Today, as we are leaving a restaurant at lunch, my youngest opens the door and says "ladies first", wow, he blew me away.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Glad we had our talk today, and yes...our homes are a work "in progress" and will eventually be done!!

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