Monday, April 30, 2012

the day that ended on a good note...

Today should have had a "warning" sign on it.  A proceed with caution, turn back or wrong way warning.

It was the kind of day that started off bad and just never got better - till after dinner.  I woke up with a pain in my neck, a tickle in my throat and a dark cloud over my head.

Work was work.  Because of my bad mood I ate a donut, pudding and a brownie; all before 1:00 pm.  Yikes!!!!

I had been planning on attending Body Pump for a week, had my night all planned out; packed the kids up and headed to the gym.  Guess what, I looked at the wrong day/time.  The class started half and hour earlier, I was dead in the water.  Instead of dropping my head in defeat, I managed to get a semi good run in.

The good part of my day was when hubby thought it would be a great idea to see if Fran can watch the kids twice a month starting this fall so we could get out together.  Hello, this is a GREAT idea.  This is one of the silver lined clouds that made my day bearable.

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