Sunday, April 15, 2012

cross that one off my list....

This weekend I crossed an item off my "2012 wish list", I ran my 1st 10K.

A few of my "running buddies" and I have been training for this run for a while.  On Saturday we all loaded up and head up north for our girls running adventure.

We made it through the boarder and found our way to BC Place to pick up our running bibs.  We found matching shirts we all loved; we were officially a team.

The weather was great so we decided to walk into town for a little sight seeing and some dinner.

After dinner we, ok I ,was craving a cup cake, we found a cute little store and everyone decided to have one.  Mine was gross and was tossed after 3 bites; even though I only had a few bites, my tummy was not happy; the other ladies also didn't feel their best after treat.  Sorry ladies.

After a long and sleepless night for myself, it was time to wake up, shower and try to get some food in my tummy.   Not an easy thing to do when you feel like throwing up.  I had worked myself into a mess.

We decided to walk to the start line and it was the best thing we could have done.  With each step I began to feel much better and it was a good way to warm the body up.

It was amazing to see 49,000+ people standing there to run this race.  It really got me pumped up and excited.  It was freezing and was hard to wait 45 to start the race after the 1st of the runners had started. But finally it was our turn to step over that line and start.

I was amazed to see when I hit the 1st mile; I felt great and could not believe the 1st mile was behind me.  I did tear up a few times just looking around at the beautiful scenery and the amount of people running; I am a sap.

As I came up to the 7k mark I had to look twice.  Am I really that far?  How could I be almost done?  I never had the runners block I usually have; I was still loving each stride I was taking.  I was pretty happy at this point.

As the finish line came into view, I really got excited.  I put on my "finish" song and just enjoyed the last few mins of this race.  I am pretty sure I crossed the finish line with a smile on my face.  Once I started walking, it really began to sink in, I just finished my goal, I ran a 10k without stopping.  Did I really just do this????

Thats when the tears started to fill my eyes.  I had to push them down, to many people around, i didn't want to walk around trying to find my "team" while I cried my eyes out.  I was just so happy.  Besides giving birth, doing this race was the best thing I have ever done.  I was in awe of what I just did.

So proud of all of us!!!!!!  Cant wait for our next adventure.

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