Sunday, April 29, 2012

crash and burn; my date night...

Saturday night Randy and I finally had time to do a date night with some close friends.

First stop was dinner at the Copper Hog.   Randy and I arrived 30 mins early to enjoy some one on one chat time.  We ordered some drinks and hot wings.  The energy in this place was great.  The Sounders game was on and 75% of the people in the bar were dressed in team colors.  It was quite the experience to hear the cheers fill the space.

Dinner was yummy (i had the mac-n-cheese) and we were able to catch up with C & K.  By the time it was ready to leave Randy had a great buzz going on.  Next stop was The Upfront for some comedy.

My man had been up since 4 am and was a bit tired; the beer did not help this situation.  Not sure if Kara and I had more fun laughing at the comedy or at Randy falling asleep in his chair.  Towards the end of the second act, I was beginning to worry about him, he did not look well at all.

I am thankful we didn't have far to drive; as soon as I pulled into the garage, Randy's tummy was ready to empty; thankfully he made it to the side bushes and not in my car.  Poor guy.

I am happy to report he is much better and that C & K will go out with us again.  So nice to have great friends who will give us a second chance.

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