Monday, March 19, 2012

vacation: day two....

Day two started off way better than day one ended.  I woke up feeling much better and refreshed.  I woke up with the boys and let Randy sleep in a bit.  We put our clothes away and enjoyed the amazing views from our room.

Once we were all up and dressed we headed out to the lawn and tossed the foot ball around.  Family time ~ boy style.

We met up with me parents and headed into Whalers Village by foot.  Carson was not a happy camper but made it almost all the way before we had to carry him.  After a pitstop for breakfast we did some shopping ~ the Brighton store was on my "must" list, crossed that off ~ sweet.

By the time we got back to our hotel, I had blisters on the bottom of both my feet.  I guess 5 miles will do that when you are wearing flip flops.

Next stop was the pool.  There are 3 pools and about 5 hot tubs.  The boys were in heaven.  I found the soon to be bride and the rest of the wedding gang.  We sat around the main pool, talking, drinking lava flows and eating chips (till the wind blew my drink and chips over).

Than the best part of the day happened.  Quite time at the room. The boys were exhausted so they played very calmly while I sat on the couch, with the doors wide open, reading a good book (thanks Deb).  Oh my, this it what I call vacation.

Had a perfect ending to the day, a dinner in my brothers room.  He BBQ'd amazing steaks, chicken and hamburgers.  We all met up on the 6th floor and enjoyed good food, good drinks and wonderful family/friends (I think there was about 18 of us that night).  So nice to just hang out, listen to the surf and enjoy.  I may want to take my family with me on every vacation.

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