Sunday, March 18, 2012

vacation day one: the plane ride....

I am posting "snapshots" of my vacation to Hawaii after the fact.  I wanted a way to record my trip, but didn't want to advertise to the "world" that I was gone ~ and yes I know about 3 people read my blog, but just incase some crazy person reads, i didn't want them to know I was gone.

Day one started very early ~ 4:00 am.  Thats the time I woke up to shower and get the stuff into the car.  Randy and I planned on packing light.  Guess what, I went overboard and packed half my closet.  I dreaded that fact walking from the car to the shuttle bus in Seattle.  I was in trouble.

Right before we left home I found out my brother, who I was traveling with, was sick.  Yep, I was going to be stuck on a plane for 6+ house with an ill person.  I freaked out a bit.

We pre-board the plane since we are traveling with kids.  Best thing to do.  The four of us were all in our seats before the rest of the plane started to board; bad part, gave me lots of extra time to day dream about the plane falling from the sky and how painful my death would be.

I was in tears before we started to taxi down the run way.

Once we get in the air I am fine.  I plug in my digi player and watch a few movies.

It's a very long flight and Carson was a bit antsy at times but they did serve the best hamburger well worth the meal upgrade.

Upon our arrival into Maui the winds were very strong.  Our plane was rocking back and fourth, up and down during our decent.  Thank goodness our caption warned us; I would have been freaking if he didn't.

By the time we landed I was done.  I felt like crap.  We had to stop at Costco and drive into town ~ very slow moving.  Each mile I became more ill.  Once in the room I went straight for bed thinking the worst.

By morning I was back to normal and ready to start day two!

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