Tuesday, March 20, 2012

vacation day five....

Today is the big day, my brothers wedding!!!!!

The day started off great; Randy and I had a morning date.  My parents came down to watch the kids so Randy and I could walk to Starbucks.  It was nice to get some one on one time.  Nice to have a conversation without being interrupted.  Was nice to walk on the board walk without kids asking when we would be there.  I love my boys more than anything but mommy needs a break at times.

We met a very nice lady while waiting in line at Starbucks.  They only had 3 people working and the place was packed.  It was a great time waster chatting with Trish.

Randy and I found a spot outside overlooking the board walk and enjoyed our breakfast while watching whales in the ocean.  Man it was hard to get up and head back to the room.

We stopped off at Whalers Village and looked at the shops then headed back home.  We found my family by the pool and relaxed there for a few hours; we deserved that after our 5+ mile walk.

At 2 I headed up to watch Angi get ready for her wedding.  She looked amazing.  As soon as she saw her hair done the water works started.  Thats how the rest of the day went.

At 4 I ran to my room to get ready, not much I could do with my hair since the wind was nasty; i did my best and was back up to her room by 4:30 to get her dressed.

She was a beautiful bride and the look on my brothers face when he say her put tears in my eyes.

The ceremony was on a beach.  Everyone stood while my brother, Angi, Megan and Jordan held hands.  It was very moving.  It was one of the best weddings I have ever been to.  The setting, the people and the love made it magical.

Ten feet away turtles were popping their heads out of the ocean ~ it couldn't get any better than that.

After photos were taken and the sun went down we headed to my brothers room for a pre-party drink.

We had dinner at Dukes.  The food was great and the emotions were high.  Megan gave a very moving speech to her dad.  Angi's best friends speech left most of us in tears.  And Angi's brother was so moved it took him a good 20 mins before he could talk.

That whole day I missed Britteny but at that very moment at dinner, when her name was in most of the speeches it really hit me.  We are missing a piece of our family.  A member that we all wanted there so bad.  I know she was looking down on Brett and was happy he had finally found happiness.

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