Monday, March 26, 2012

that's why i am a blog girl...

Today I went with Griffin to the writers workshop in Skagit Valley.  Listening to the different presenters, I saw a theme with them, they each kept a journal at some point in their life.

I am not a journal type of gal.  I tried in the past, but never made it past day two.  For me, writing takes to long, my penmanship gets messy, and I don't find it convenient to write my thoughts down.  I started to feel like I was missing something by not keeping a journal but than and remembered I blog!

This is my way to preserve my life and the day to day things my boys do.  A way for my children to get to know me, and a bit of their childhood, through my words.  I may not "journal" everyday, but I think I blog enough for those two little guys to understand who I am/was and re-live some memories they may have forgotten out of time.

Blogging is convenient for me (thanks to my wonderful smart phone), there is spell check to help me out, and the typing font never gets sloppy.  It's a perfect match for me.

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