Wednesday, March 21, 2012

random things...

I am so tired i don't think I can sleep; have you ever experienced that???

Maybe if I post about a few "random" things that will put me to sleep.  Here is some useless information about my life:

I have over 403 emails on my phone that I need to clean out (I cleaned it out a little over a week ago)

I am still horrible at calling people on the phone

The first thing I do when I get to work is check my FaceBook

I am becoming more high maintenance as I age

There are 4 books on my night stand right now ~ and I am reading them at the same time, plus listening to one audio book as well

I usually hit my snooze button 4 times each morning

I discovered Lush products while on vacation and I am an addict now

I purchased paint months ago for my bathroom but as of yet, have not painted a wall

I lost my mojo a few years ago, not sure how to get it back 

I swear way to much

I need a partner to do yard work or it will not get done

Thats all my tired mind can thing of; off to sleep (I hope)

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