Wednesday, February 8, 2012

random items....

I am scheduled to have my legs waxed a few days prior to my brothers wedding.  I have never done this before.  I had my eyebrows done a million years ago; it hurt like hell and i think I lost some skin.  I am a bit afraid that it will:

a. Hurt like a mother
b. I will get some wild reaction resulting in the worst vacation ever

So, who out there has had this done?  Should I be scared?  Will it all be ok???  Any advice would be great.

Pinterest has done it again.  I found a camera bag that I fell in love with.  I am pretty sure it may be to small, but I ordered it anyway.  The last time I traveled with the bag I have now, it was a bit of a pain.  I am crossing my fingers and legs that this one will be easier.

I think I feed me kids to much sugar ~ yikes.  Bad mommy of the year award will be coming to me.  Must stop the sugar intake somehow.

That's about all that's rambling away in my mind for the moment. 

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