Tuesday, January 17, 2012

snow day....

Today was the kids' best day ever.

Last night around the dinner table, the kids chanted "no school, no school" over and over again.  Well, there little chant worked; we woke up to a lot of snow and to closed schools.

I boys had a smile on their faces from the moment they woke up.  Randy and I dropped them off at grandpas for breakfast and sledding; at lunch time Randy picked them up and headed home for more snow fun.  By time they picked me up from work Carson was sound asleep in the back seat.

Once I got home, I felt off.  My normal Tuesday "activities" were gone; i was a little lost at what to do.  Throw in a whinny child and it's a recipe for disaster.

I self medicated with sugar and a hot bath; both put me in a much better mood to play card games and snuggle before bed.

i wonder what tomorrow will bring.

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