Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I just signed up for the Vancouver Sun Run.  I am freaking out for a few reasons:
1.  My goal is to run the race without stopping; totally freaked that my mind will overpower my body and force me to walk.
2.  Due to illness and snow, I have not ran much in the past 2 weeks ~ major set back.
3.  Looking at the pictures on line it looks amazing.  The amount of people that run this race actually has the hairs on my arms standing up.  How cool is this going to be ~ running with thousand of others!!!!!!!
4.  Best reason of all, getting to spend time with the best running motivators ever.  I love me running group.
Life's short right, we have to push ourselves out of our comfort zone.  Next on the list, new shoes, start my running play list and start training hard!!!!

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