Thursday, December 1, 2011

when did it become december....

How the heck can it be the last month of the year???

The old saying is true, life goes faster as you get older.

Totally random post today.  Life is good; feels wonderful not to have edits to do every night.  I came home today, sat in my bed and just relaxed.  I have not done that in a really long time.

I am totally engrossed in a book right now.  The second book in the Hunger Games series.  OMG, I can't seem to put it down.   I have no idea how they are going to get out of these one.

Tomorrow night is date night ~ guess I should save that post for tomorrow.

So proud of my boys. They had perfect checkups at the dentist today.  So, so happy that they are taking good care of their teeth.

Just a random picture of C's feet.  Love those toes.

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