Sunday, December 25, 2011

trying to release the sugar...

I think I have consumed more sugar in the past 48 hours than I have in 4 months.

After an afternoon on the couch; time spent reading, watching movies and eating cookies, we decided to head out for a walk.  We went to one of our regular spots - down by the water.  The rain had stopped but the wind was still there.

We made it to the touch tank before Carson decided it was time turn around.  We left Tommy, Randy and Griffin to finish the walk while the little guy and I went back to the car.

This picture was our attempt to act silly.  Thank goodness Anthony's was closed; no one to witness our silly faces.

We drove over to the park, met up with the three boys and played on the playground before the wind drove us back into the car.

It has been once of the best, most relaxing Christmas day's in a long time.  I am a bit excited to crawl into bed (new sheets) and start reading a new book (Mary, its one from your favorite author - I will let you know how I like).

Off to fill my belly with more cookies - soon the sugar will be gone and the withdrawals will start.  Wish me luck.  

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