Thursday, November 24, 2011

gobble, gobble....

Today is Thanksgiving.

My kitchen is clean, my turkey was moist and yummy.  The cookies are frosted. The movies are ready to go.  Our thankful board is getting full.

I have many, many things to be thankful for.  The most important ones are the three very special people that are sitting around me right now.

This is my favorite holiday, not sure why, mashed potatoes could have something to do with it.  Thanksgiving now has a different feeling than it did when I was a kid.

I miss spending this season with my family; wish we could all be together but that does not happen. Thank you mom and dad for giving me such wonderful memories of Thanksgiving.  I miss waking up to the smell of turkey cooking.  I miss sitting at the dinning room table with my family eating off the blue and white dishes.  I miss the rolls rising  on the kitchen table (and Brittney poking them with her finger).  I miss a house full of people laughing and talking.  I miss the comfort of having EVERYONE I love withins arms reach.

As a parent, I want to make this time of year fun for my kids.  I am trying to start new traditions that they will carry on to their families they will build when they grow up.

I am content, I am happy, I am thankful for everything God has blessed me with.

My most thankful gift of all today, Carson is feeling better.  We had a little scare this afternoon with his skin; we got him all fixed up and he is now happy.

Happy gobble, gobble day!!!!

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