Friday, October 21, 2011

who knew...

Who knew I loved running in the rain so much. 

Thank goodness I live in the Pacific NW ~ we have an abundance of rain.  It might be a first time running thing (i am usually an inside runner), or it could be the ladies I was with, but I really enjoyed myself this morning.

I think I must have been on a runners high because I remember myself agreeing to run a half marathon in June ~ wtf!!!

When it comes to running, I tend to let me mind take over and that's not a good thing.  My mind tells me over and over that I can't do this.  My goal is to make that little voice shut up by June.  I am so thankful I have a great group of ladies that will push me in a good way.  I have this secret passion for Griffin to run track in Middle and High School.  If I can keep this up, how fun would it be to run with him!

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